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Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology for Climbing Holds

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In the Palamonti Climbing Gym, the multi-purpose hall of the Italian Alpin Club of Bergamo, Chiara Carissoni describes us the cleaning process of the different climbing holds.

Climbing gym, handholds and ultrasounds

Some people will ask themselves what might be the connection among these 3 elements: an indoor climbing gym, climbing holds and ultrasounds. Well, lately the climbing holds of the indoor climbing gym in the city of Bergamo (Italy) have been cleaned using a sophisticated ultrasonic cleaner.
We used to spend our days brushing and descaling several climbing holds with water, soap, vinegar, wire brushes and a lot of elbow grease. We also tried using a water hydro cleaner. The powerful water jet managed to clean all the dirt particles, sweat, grease, and magnesite from the holds, but we still didn’t get perfect results. Most times the dirt was difficult to remove from the cavities so we had to clean the holds again manually. But those days are now over.

When one of our climber friends showed us SOLTEC’s catalogue, a company specialized in the production of ultrasonic cleaners, SONICA, we decided to take a closer look and that’s how an ultrasonic bath arrived in Bergamo, together with the specific soap for oils and grease.


The instructors and volunteers who regularly help in the maintenance of the gym have been cleaning the climbing holds with the ultrasonic cleaners. Thanks to the ultrasonic technology, the ultrasonic baths clean the magnesite and every other kind of dirt from the climbing holds, making them look brand new.


Our gym is very popular (we have approximately 10 thousands visitors per year) and the climbers use climbing shoes with a special sole and magnesite in order to dry the sweat off their hands and have a more solid foothold.

Moreover, the porous structure of the climbing holds absorb very easily the sweat of the hands together with skins oils and magnesite powder. That’s why the holds become slippery when used very often.

Thanks to SOLTEC and their ultrasonic cleaners we can now wash the climbing holds more often and more easily, making them look brand new.


Other gyms in the Bergamo area have tried this cleaning technology and got excellent results as well.


Before the ultrasonic cleaning process.

After the ultrasonic cleaning process.

Using the ultrasonic cleaner is very easy: once the tank is filled with water and soap in the quantities needed and already established, you simply put the holds in the tank and that’s it. The timer for the duration of the cleaning cycle needs to be set manually and it depends on the amount of dirt on the holds.


Climbing hold showing residuals of magnesite, rubber and dirt.


Climbing hold after being washed with the ultrasonic cleaner and alkaline degreasing soap.



Once the ultrasonic cleaning process is over, the climbing holds need to be risen to remove any soap residuals and you can start another cleaning cycle. Everything is easier and offers better results.

Thank you, SOLTEC.

Cleaning procedures in Ultrasonic Bath SONICA 3200 EP of glassware and electrochemical cell components of Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope

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The electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope (EC-STM) is a microscopy technique couple with an electrochemical technique such as cyclic voltammetry. The EC-STM employed in the laboratory of Chemical Sciences of University of Padua permits the imaging of smooth surface with atomic resolution at the solid-liquid interface; practically this technique permits to see the surface atoms in the presence of an electrolytic solution.

Ultrasonic Sonication for protein extraction

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Biochemistry laboratories at the “Center for Nanoscience and Technology” of the Italian Institute of Technology in Milano (Italy)

In the Biochemistry Lab at the CNST-IIT in Milano, researchers focus on the X-ray structure determination of proteins and other biological molecules for a diverse set of applications such as drug design or tissue engineering and for the elucidation of fundamental biological processes.

Use of SONICA® ultrasonic bath for the extraction of atmospheric particulate matter from Teflon filters

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Intestazione articolo Polaris

Use of SONICA® ultrasonic bath for the extraction of atmospheric particulate matter from Teflon filters

Polaris Research Center, related to the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Milan Bicocca, has been using the SONICA® ultrasonic extractor for the extraction of both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and atmospheric particulate matter (PM) from the filters (figure 1).

SONICA Ultrasonic Extractor centro ricerca Polaris

Figure 1: SONICA ultrasonic bath for the extraction of atmospheric particulate matter.

The efficiency of the PAHs extraction process from atmospheric particulate matter samples has been previously analyzed and published by the Polaris Center’s researchers. The research paper describes the use of this instrument for the extraction of PM in order to carry out toxicological studies on in vitro systems. The procedure for the extraction of the PM is very different from the one concerning the extraction of the PAHs. The main difference is represented by the necessity to work in a sterile environment since the extracted PM will be used to treat cultured cells. In fact, any bacteria or fungus would infect the culture. This is why the instruments used during the extraction process (tweezers, scalpels, vials) need to be previously sterilized through a cycle of ethanol washing and some phases of this process are performed under a sterile flow hood.

First of all, the PM is sampled with the low volume gravimetric system on Teflon filters (with a diameter of 47mm) which are stored at -20°C until extraction. This step prevents the proliferation of atmospheric bacteria in the sampled PM and the evaporation of volatile compounds.

The filters then undergo the extraction process: they are detached from their plastic holders by using previously sterilized tweezers and scalpels (figure 2) and are placed in a sterilized amber vial with 2 ml of sterile water. Since the filter is completely immersed in the organic solvent during the entire extraction phase, it is held at the bottom of the vial by a special SONICA® spacer made from special steel. The vial is then inserted in the extraction support and placed in the ultrasonic bath for 20 minutes. In this amount of time the water will tend to get warmer: it is important to avoid this kind of situation since it could cause the evaporation, therefore the loss, of the volatile compounds. This is why the tank of the extractor is filled with cold water (4°C).

Distacco filtri in teflon in ambiente sterile resz

Figure 2: the Teflon filters are detached from the plastic holders; sterile tweezers, scalpels and gloves are used to avoid contamination and the whole process is done under a laminar flow sterile hood. The filters are black because of the presence of PM.

At the end of this first sonication the extract is removed from the vial and stored in a sterile container until the whole extraction process is over. Once again the vial is filled with 2 ml of sterile water and the extraction cycle repeated. 4 sonication cycles of 20 minutes each are performed in order to make the extraction process more efficient. At the end of the 4 cycles the amount of extract obtained is 8 ml. It is then placed in sterile plastic vials previously calibrated and dried with a drier that has been arrayed with silica gel (figure 3).

Essicatore a vuoto con gel silice

Figure 3: Drier with silica gel.

The drying process takes approximately three days in which the samples are stored in a dark place to prevent possible phytochemical reactions of the chemical compound. Once this process is over the vials are weighted once again to quantify the extracted PM, which is then stored at -20°C until it has to be used. It is now resuspended at a 2ug/ul concentration and used for the exposition of the cells in culture.

Milan, January 9th 2013

Marina Camatini

President of the Polaris Research Center

Polaris Research Center - Piazza della Scienza 1, 20126 Milan

Download della relazione della Prof.ssa Marina Camatini Presidente del Centro di Ricerca Polaris afferente al Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e del Territorio e di Scienze della Terra dell'Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Use of an ultrasonic cleaner in the Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the I.R.C.C.S Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute

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In the Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the I.R.C.C.S Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Dr. Matteo Moretti uses a SONICA ultrasonic cleaner to wash and decontaminate the polymeric material growth rooms.

Below is described how the ultrasonic cleaner and the SONICA CL4% disinfectant soap are used.

istituto ortopedico galeazzi

Bioreactor prototypes for tissue engineering are developed in this laboratory. One day they will permit the creation in vitro of functional biological tissue that could be directly implanted in human beings.

These prototypes use growth rooms made of polymeric material in which three dimensional holders called scaffolds are placed. First of all, the cells are seed on the scaffolds and then they are stimulated to produce extracellular matrix through interstitial perfusion in a bioreactor.

During these research the growth rooms in which the tests are performed are used several times. It is therefore necessary to make sure that there are no biological residuals in the rooms before the autoclave sterilisation process. In addition, a manual cleaning process would not guarantee the same efficiency.

lavatrice ultrasuoni sonica istituto ortopedico galeazzi

The ultrasonic cleaner SONICA 2200MH together with SONICA CL4% detergent allows the cleaning and decontamination of the growth rooms. It is only necessary to rinse them thoroughly with demineralised water before the sterilisation process.

lavaggio ultrasuoni camere di coltura istituto ortopedico galeazzi

All the information above regarding the cleaning and decontamination process of the bioreactor prototypes performed with SONICA have been released by:

Matteo Moretti, Ph.D.
Head of Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory,
I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

Download the full article here.


Use of SONICA ultrasonic cleaner in the degas process in the enology field

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Dr. Fabio Tordonato from the Enology Center in Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD) uses a SONICA 3200 EP ultrasonic cleaner to degas the wine samples that will be analysed in infrared spectroscopy.

centro riferimento enologico

Use of SONICA, Soltec’s ultrasonic cleaner

In our laboratory the ultrasonic cleaner has multiple uses. It is used for the solubilization of substances in water and other solutions and to clean the laboratory’s glass-works. However, its main use is the “degasification” function, which means to reduce the quantity of CO2 in those wine samples that will be analyzed in infrared spectroscopy.

CO2 is found in all wines and it can alter the result of the infrared spectroscopy tests since it creates bubbles in the instrument that performs the analysis. In order to avoid this, some samples are immersed in the ultrasonic cleaner for a 5 minutes cycle. At the end of it the samples are ready to be processed in the infrared spectrophotometer.

This has been a very efficient process to eliminate the CO2 from the fermenting must and sparkling wines, both with the classical method (Champenois) and in autoclave.

From the tests performed in our laboratory, it resulted that Soltec’s ultrasonic cleaner is perfect for this kind of activity. In fact, wines or any liquids containing CO2 can be treated quickly and easily, reducing the CO2 quantity below the 1.5 g/L critical threshold. However, it is important to change the water frequently so that the rising temperature won’t make the alcohol evaporate.

In the images below you can see how the ultrasonic cleaner in our laboratory and the whole process the wine samples go through.

Dott. Fabio Tordonato

Centro di Riferimento Enologico S.r.l.
Via IV Genova n°9
33050 Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD)

degasificazione con bagno ultrasuoni campioni di vino

Fig. 1 Wine samples in the ultrasonic cleaner during the degasification process.

degasificazione con bagno ad ultrasuoni

Fig. 2 Wine samples in the ultrasonic cleaner during the degasification process.

vasca ad ultrasuoni per enologia

Fig. 3 SONICA ultrasonic cleaner in our laboratory.

analisi enologica dei campioni di vino degasati

Fig. 4 Analysis of wine samples that has been through the degasification process.

campioni di vino frizzante pronti per degasificazione con bagno ad ultrasuoni

Fig. 5 Sparkling wine samples on the holder.

campioni di vino frizzante pronti per la degasificazione con gli ultrasuoni

Fig. 6 Sparklig wine samples ready to go through the CO2 elimination process.

processo di degasificazione eliminazione CO2 da campioni di vino

Fig. 7  Sparklig wine samples during the degasification process.

Ultrasonic cleaners for the correct decontamination and cleaning of surgical instruments in dental clinics

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The case history of Narcodont clinic in Milan

The case history of Narcodont clinic in Milan

Narcodont is a structure that includes services of Narcodontostomatology and is situated in the city centre of Milan. The structure consist of operating theatres equipped with anaesthesiologic, surgical and high level dental material and of recovery rooms at odontologists' disposal in case of odontostomatologic operation in general anaesthetic, in local anaesthetic or in anesthesiologic assistance. Silla cavaliere, hospital assistant of Narcodont's nursing staff, gave us her personal evidence on the use of  the ultrasonic cleaner SONICA® and its accessories for the ultrasonic decontamination  and cleaning of all the surgical instruments, before the sterilization in autoclave, used in Narcodont's operating rooms.

Flush-mountable SONICA® ultrasonic cleaners series iETH, iEP models

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The flush-mountable versions of SONICA® ultrasonic cleaning units have been specially designed to be built into an already-existing work surface (for example a laboratory bench or sterilisation room). For the correct usage please read carefully the instruction manual of this special version of ultrasonic cleaner included with the product (warnings and advice, electrical connection, installation, operating instructions, etc.).

How is realized a Flush-mountable SONICA® ultrasonic cleaners for dental clinics ?

flusch-mountable SONICA ultrasonic cleaner

The unit must be flush-mounted and installed on the work surface by skilled technicians. Check that there is sufficient ventilation inside the bench or work surface
where the unit is to be installed and that there are no sources of heat or humidity.
The unit must be mounted and installed exactly as the manufacturer supplies it.
Under no circumstances must the control panel or parts of it be removed or separated since this would jeopardise the electrical safety and functioning of the unit.

How to install the unit correctly (Notes for the installer)

flush-mountable SONICA ultrasonic cleaner scheme

1. Cut out the work surface following the shape and measurements of the design supplied with the unit.
2. Insert the unit inside the
flush-mounting housing and seal the outer steel rim with the silicone or equivalent sealing product.
3. Check that the entire rim is perfectly sealed to the work surface in order to prevent any liquid infiltrations that might
damage the structure of the bench surface
and the unit.
4. Connect the drainage tube and
turn off the tap.
5. Connect the supply lead to the unit and then the plug to the electric socket.
6. Before switching on the unit, pour water and the washing liquid into the stainless steel tank until a maximum level of 3 cm from
the upper edge of the tank taking care not to wet the control panel and not to spill liquid outside the tank.
7. Proceed with switching on the unit following the operating instructions described in the chapters referring to the supplied version (ETH – EP).
8. Use the drainage tube to empty the tank and pour the liquid into a container suitable for this operation.

SONICA 4300 S3 benchtop ultrasonic cleaner for industry, scientific labs, jewelery, electronics, dental & medical

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SONICA 4300 S3 benchtop ultrasonic cleaner

SONICA 4300 S3 is a benchtop ultrasonic cleaner designed for a lot of applictions.

lavatrice ad ultrasuoni SONICA 4300 EP S3. Lavaggio ad ultrasuoni per il settore dentale, medicale, chimico, elettronico

The typical applications are:

  • Industry for precision bearings cleaning, switches a motor parts cleaning, metal, resin and plastic cleaning parts, gears precision cleaning.
  • Scientific labs for lab glassware cleaning, test tube and pipettes cleaning, eyeglass frames, scientific mechanical parts components cleaning
  • Electronics for PCB cleaning, SMD, electronic components, capacitors.
  • Medical, dental and veterinary for surgical instruments cleaning, burs and dentures cleaning.
  • Jewelery for watches parts cleaning, clock movements cleaning, precious metal cleaning, chains, gemstones and coins cleaning
