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SONICA 3200L S3 ultrasonic pipette cleaner

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SONICA 3200L S3 ultrasonic pipettes and glassware cleaner.

Benchtop SONICA 3200L S3 ultrasonic cleaner is designed for cleaning pipettes and other tubular glassware.

3200L S3

With the cavitation process and the proper cleaning agent, lipids, blood and proteins are easily removed from the capillary bore of the pippette.

This type of  ultrasonic cleaner, is particulary useful for medical, surgical, scientific and chemical laboratories.

Its tank size ( 500x140x100 mm ) makes it ideal for cleaning large surgical and veterinary instruments

Ultrasonic cleaning and "indirect" cleaning.

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Auxiliary tank and beakers

What is the difference between the ultrasonic "direct" cleaning and ultrasonic "indirect cleaning"?
Direct cleaning occours when the parts are cleaned directly in the ultrasonic cleaner filled with the cleaning solution.
Generally the parts to be cleaned with ultrasounds are inserted in a stainless steel mesh basket. The limitation of direct ultrasonic cleaning is the selection of the appropriate cleaning solution that will not damage the ultrasonic cleaner.

Cleaning jewels with ultrasonic cleaners

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Ultrasounds may be very effective for cleaning jewelry and provide results that can hardly be achieved with any other means but not all jewels are suited for ultrasonic cleaning. Considering the large variety of materials and shapes it would be best to ask advices to the jeweler at the time of purchase.
Jewels should live in the spotlight, they have to shine in their whole life but jewels tend to accompany our life and the life of our families.
Small errors in the cleaning process may add over time therefore it becomes very important to take care of your jewels in the appropriate way.

Cleaning and maintenance of fire arms

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A practical and precise example of maintenance of a Smith & Wesson Magnum 44.

Last month, at BIGNAMI's S.p.a. Company located in Ora (BZ) Italy, which specializes in the distribution and sale of hunting arms, sport's shooting, personal defence, security and protection, I wanted to personally test, the efficency of ultrasonic cleaning to remove the carbon residues due to the explosion of gunpowder within the cartriges at their service laboratory.
