SOLTEC srl know-how allows to project, build and test special customized executions.
For example, we have recently delivered a special ultrasonic cleaner to the italian antarctic base in BAIA TERRA NOVA, on the Ross Sea. In this scientific outpost on the other side of the planet, technicians, scientists and military personnel are co-operating on the PNRA project: the National Antarctic Research Project.
ENEA (Environment, Energies and New Technology National Commission ) technicians needed to sort a problem out: precison cleaning of 80 cm. long special filters and cleaning of several spare parts and instruments in use in their South Pole base. BAIA TERRA NOVA base is operational only during the antarctic summer with temperatures rarely above the zero degrees Celsius. In the antarctic winter, atmospherical conditions are prohibitive and may reach - 60° C hardly threatening all the devices stored in the base labs.
The problem has been sorted out by projecting a special cleaner featured with frost climate chamber tested electronic components and by using special, resistant to - 70° C, resins to bond the piezoelectric transducers to the tank.
We must say that italian scientific outpost of TERRA NOVA is one of the best organized, supplied and equipped base all over the South Pole. Due to the efforts and help of ENEA, CNR (National Research Council), Italian Army, Italian Navy and Airforce personnel and thank to all the investments realized, Italy reaches the top place in the research and is considered an operational point of reference by all countries featuring antarctic projects.
We should have surely liked to visit this italian base in order to live all the unforgettable experiences offered by this priceless scientific research natural laboratory, but, obviously, this was not possible. Anyway, even without taking direct part in this project, our whole staff felt to be directly involved in something important when projecting and realizing 2 special executions to be used in this extreme environment. Obviously SOLTEC S.R.L. will be pride to support further projects in high-importance scientific researches or anyone who will require ultrasonic cleaners with special features.

internal sight of the SONICA® PNRA special model ultrasonic cleaner

SONICA® PNRA special model ultrasonic cleaner faces our heavy duty tests