Wherever you go - We are there!
Our demanding customers require the best products and services at the highest quality standards in the industry of Ultrasonic Cleaners.
In many countries worldwide, SOLTEC Company successfully combines a global presence.
We are close to our customers and help them meet their needs.
On the local distributors' shelves, customers will find SOLTEC-SONICA Ultrasonic Cleaners, accessories and special cleaning fluids for ultrasonic cleaning, for which our top quality demand is always guaranteed.
Today we present our local high qualified distributor Zist Tajhiz Azma Company located in Tehran IRAN

They are one of the major Iranian Importer of laboratory equipment, chemical materials, and moreover, producer of Heater devices,fume and laminar hoods.
This company has started its activity in rendering services, manufacturing and educational as well as research centers.

For any SOLTEC product request, please contact Mrs Parissai Sorkhdini and Mr. Farzad Soltanmoradi of Zist Tajhiz Azma Company at the following address:
Zist Tajhiz Azma Co.
Laboratory & Research Equipment
No. 191 | Apt#9 | Motahari Str. | Tehran | Iran
Tel. +9821 88539621-7 | Fax +9821 88539628
email: info@zistazma.com