Taking advantages of the accessories of ultrasonic cleaners

Taking advantages of the accessories of ultrasonic cleaners staff

The following accessories are available for the SONICA ultrasonic cleaners on request:

  • Stainless steel lid. Use the steel lid to close the ultrasounds tank.
  • Plastic lid. Use the lid to close the ultrasounds tank. The plastic lid can be used as an alternative to the steel one. The steel and plastic lids are useful when starting the cycle of heating the cleaning liquid. In fact in order to reach the cleaning temperature set rapidly and efficiently, the tank has to be covered with one of the two lids. Take great care with the condensation produced through the heating steam inside the lid since, during opening of the latter, condensation liquid could drip onto the electrical parts such as the socket. The lid therefore has to be raised vertically allowing the condensation to drip only inside the ultrasounds tank.
  • Rectangular basket in stainless steel mesh. The stainless steel mesh basket is a very useful accessory in that it allows washing of the objects to be optimised and the objects themselves to be drained inside the tank after washing. By folding the handles, the basket can be suspended with precision over the tank.
  • Glass beakers. Special beakers with an adjustable black rubber support ring are available. They are used to save detergent liquid whenever small quantities of objects are to be cleaned, or if washing is to be performed with a detergent solution in a beaker and rinsing simultaneously in another eaker. They are also used to wash objects with particularly aggressive solutions which must not come into direct contact with the steel tank.
  • Plastic beaker-holder lid. The perforated lid is used to support the beakers during washing. Remember to adjust the support ring of the beaker so that the bottom of the beaker is always in contact with the liquid of the tank, but at the same time does not come into contact with the bottom of the steel basket.
  • Small round basket in stainless steel mesh to be inserted in the beaker for washing small parts.